Python simple port scanner

3 min readJul 25, 2023


Today I am going to go through a python scanner included in the learning path of pnpt-live.

The script is very simple and will have many flaws, but can be used as POC.

Find the script here

import sys
import socket
from datetime import datetime
try: #Here we define the hostname/IP to scan
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
target = socket.gethostbyname(sys.argv[1]) #just in case it is a hostname
#some banners
print ("-" * 20)
print ("Scanning - " + target)
print (str(
print ("-" * 20)
for port in range(20,200):
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
result = s.connect_ex((target,port)) #returns an error, if 0, no error, port open. If 1, there is an error, port closed
if result == 0:
print("Port {} is open".format(port))
except socket.gaierror:#dns resolution does not work
print("Hostname not resolved.")
except KeyboardInterrupt: #ctrl+c
print("Program exit!")
except socket.error:#no connection/inet
print("Could not connect to target")

Let us go part by part:

import sys
import socket
from datetime import datetime

Our first line will declare that we are using python.

Rest of the imports will be used for:

  1. sys: We need to import the host or ip declared by argument (eg python <ip>) by the sys.argv
  2. socket: node to node connection, we will need this.
  3. datetime: to import date library and write the time we are starting the scan.

We will also add a try/catch:

except socket.gaierror:#dns resolution does not work
print("Hostname not resolved.")
except KeyboardInterrupt: #ctrl+c
print("Program exit!")
except socket.error:#no connection/inet
print("Could not connect to target")

In case that the hostname is not resolved, we interrupt the program or there is no connection to the target.

We obtain the hostname/ip from the argument and we verify:

if len(sys.argv) == 2:
target = socket.gethostbyname(sys.argv[1]) #just in case it is a hostname

And the rest is just a banner:

print ("-" * 20)
print ("Scanning - " + target)
print (str(
print ("-" * 20)

which will print the following:

The last part will be scanner itself:

for port in range(20,200):
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
result = s.connect_ex((target,port)) #returns an error, if 0, no error, port open. If 1, there is an error, port closed
if result == 0:
print("Port {} is open".format(port))

In this case, I have decided to scan from port 20 to 200. but we could include any range we want, til 65535.

If the result of connect_ex(target,port) is 0, there are no errors, and we can conclude the port is open, proceeding to print it.

I have decided to put the whole code block with the try even though the teacher’s solution was starting after printing the banner, because I was getting an error: hostname: Name or service not known after socket.gethostbyname(sys.argv[1]).

To test it out, I gathered my router’s IP:

To know what ports were open without any doubts, I first check with nmap:

And now with our custom scanner:

None of the other ports will appear because of the range. It took around 20 seconds to get it, but I guess it can be tweak somehow with the timouts.

Feel free to leave any questions



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